How To Make A Honey Jar For Love (With Pictures)
It's love magic time and today we're going to talk about one of my favourite types of spells: honey jars for love!
Honey jars come from the hoodoo tradition and there are several different types of them:
There are honey jars for love and honey jars for friendship, honey jars for passion and lust and honey jars for marriage, honey jars to be liked by your bosses and coworkers and honey jars for self love (just to name a few types).
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There is a long history in hoodoo and other folk magic traditions of working with honey, sugar, molasses and other sweeteners to promote sweet relationships, love, friendship, companionship and kindness.
The use of honey and other sweeteners for these purposes is a clear example of sympathetic magic.
Honey is sweet, so you can use in spells meant to make someone "sweeter" to you, therefore making your relationship kinder and more harmonious and enjoyable.
Although the most popular term is "honey jar", you can use sugar, molasses, syrup or any sweetener you personally prefer for your jar.
Out of all the sweeteners, I usually prefer honey for magical purposes.
The first and most obvious aspect of honey is its sweetening nature. Its sweetness attracts the people and things you want into your life and makes them "sweet" to you.
A second important aspect of honey though (that grainy sweeteners like sugar lack) is its attractive and sticky nature. Honey not only attracts things because of its sweetness, but it makes them "sticky" to you so they won't flow out of your life easily.
Since honey is sticky but not sticky to the point that whatever sticks to it can never escape, it is well-suited for cases where a gentle approach is needed.
For example, binding a person to you so they won't leave is a much more coercive approach that can lead to problems down the line (a dysfunctional and/or codependent relationship, where neither party is attempting to end it because they have been bound together).
Honey on the other hand is a more gentle kind of stickiness that one can escape, but at the same time the sweetness helps create a situation that is pleasant and beneficial to all parties involved, so they will not want to detach themselves and leave either.
Finally, honey has been associated with and used as an offering to the goddess Aphrodite and several other love and fertility goddesses across history. So there is a very long tradition of using honey for love and attraction spells and rituals as well as beauty magic.
Honey jars come from the tradition of hoodoo and are made for several different purposes.
Some people make a honey jar to attract that special someone they have their eye on.
Other people make honey jars to ensure their relationship stays sweet and loving even after the initial passion has subsided.
Yet others makes honey jars to mark a specific occasion like a marriage or important anniversary, in order to give the couple years of happiness, sweetness and love.
Honey jars can also be used for non-romantic purposes too.
One common use of honey jars is to make one that includes every member of your family so that you are all sweet and kind to each other.
You can also make more compelling honey jars for purposes such as getting a difficult employer, boss or client to like you for example or to influence a judge or the jury in a trial to rule in your favor.
And if you have no interest in sweetening anyone or anything else to you at the moment then how about a honey jar spell for self-love?
The process of making a honey jar is easy and the ingredients you choose to include add different aspects to the sweetening and attractive nature of honey. Which is why honey jars are so versatile and can be used for such a wide array of goals.
A small jar with a metallic lid (it has to be metal because you'll be burning candles on it!
Different herbs, depending on your specific purpose for the honey jar
Anointing oils depending on your purpose (eg "love me" oil) or rose oil
The first thing you need to do is prepare your petition paper.
You need a square piece of paper that's big enough for your petition to fit on but small enough for it to be able to go inside the jar after it's been folded.
Take the piece of paper and write the target person's name on it 3 times, one under the other, like this:
Then rotate the paper 90 degrees clockwise and write your name across the person's name 3 times, like this:
Now you're ready to create your petition in a magical circle around the names.
The petition has to be written in an unbroken circle, which means you won't be lifting your pen off the paper while writing until the circle has been completed (you can dot your i's and cross your t's latter if you want). If you need a guideline for the circle then you can lightly sketch a circle around the names with a pencil first before writing your petition.
For honey jar petitions, the most common method is to pick a short phrase as your petition -such as "love me" or "favor me" for example- that you are then going to be repeating over and over until your circle is completed:

Now that your petition is written, we're going to add anointing oils and herbs to it.
First, get your oil and pray for what you desire (eg. "John Smith to love me") and then anoint each corner of your petition plus the center with the oil. If you want to use more than one oil then just repeat the process for the other oil or oils until you've used all of them.
The next and very important step is to add personal concerns from yourself and the target.
You can use any kind of personal link you have, but since this honey jar is for love I will usually add a hair from my head and a hair from the target's head, and/or sexual fluids.
Place the personal concerns at the center of your petition paper.
Next, we are going to add herbs, roots and other ingredients to your petition.
Since this honey jar is for love, you want to add materials that have powers pertaining to love. What you add is up to you, but a few suggestions are:
Two rosebuds or rose petals
A paired couple of tiny lodestones that you have baptised in your and your target's name
Adam and Eve roots (though it's extremely unlikely you are going to find true Adam and Eve roots)
Deer's tongue leaves (for your target to verbally express his love for you/admit his feelings for you)
Cinnamon and/or ginger (to make things hot in the bedroom)
Vanilla (for love and passion)
Catnip (to make someone attracted to you like cats are to catnip)
Lovage root (to make your target committed to you)
If you don't know which ingredients to choose then don't worry! Check out the books in my Recommended Resources page and my Amazon page for some of my favorite books on herb, root and mineral magic!
Hold each of your ingredients in your hand and ask it for the help you need.
For example, hold some catnip in your hand and say "spirit of catnip, make (name your target) attracted to me like cats are attracted to you".
Then put the catnip at the center of your petition paper.
Continue with this process until you have added all your ingredients.
Keep in mind that you only need a tiny pinch of each ingredient, as you are making a small packet that's going to go inside the jar of honey. So you should be able to easily fold your petition paper with all the materials inside and it should be small enough to fit inside the honey jar.

At this stage we are going to insert your petition into the honey jar, so make sure you already have your jar ready and filled with honey.
Take your petition with all the ingredients on it and carefully fold it once towards you. Then turn it clockwise 90 degrees and once again fold it towards you. By the end of it you should have a roughly square-shaped package with all the ingredients safely wrapped inside.
Next, take the jar and push the petition "package" inside the honey with your finger while saying:
"As this honey is sweet to me, so will (name of your target, eg. "John Smith" be sweet to me). You can also add your specific petition that you wrote afterwards. For example " will John Smith be sweet to me and love me".
Lick the honey from your fingers and repeat the process two more times, so that by the end you will have pushed the petition inside the honey three times and will have said the words three times. After the third time, close the lid of the jar.
Honey jars aren't generally one-off spells. They are meant to be worked with on a regular basis.
Traditionally in hoodoo, a honey jar for love is to be worked with every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for as long as you want to keep the effects going.
Here are a few ways to work with your honey jar:
Burn an appropriately coloured and dressed candle on top of the honey jar.
Use a red candle for sex, passion and lust
Use a pink candle for romantic love and/or reconciliation
Use a white or light blue candle for healing or blessing work
Use an orange or yellow candle for road opening and communication

Working with a honey jar with a light blue candle for healing of a relationship.
After you've picked the candle colour that's most appropriate for your goal dress it with an appropriate oil formula (love me oil for example). You can also add love oils or herbs.
Then use a lighter to warm the bottom of the candle until it melts a little and a little bit of wax drips on the honey jar's lid, and use the melted wax to secure your candle on top of the honey jar.
Light your candle and pray from your heart for what you want. Allow the candle to burn all the way down and if there's any wax residue on the jar do not remove it.
The second way to work with your honey jar is in combination with other candle spells.
For example, if you're thinking of doing a road opening spell to open the road for you and your target to be together or a figure candle spell, why not do it on top of your honey jar?
Prepare your spell as you normally would, but instead of burning the candle independently burn it on top of your honey jar instead.
A third way to work with a honey jar is by shaking it.
This isn't a substitute for burning candles, but shaking can be used to help a new honey jar gain momentum or to wake up a honey jar you haven't worked with in a long time.
A fourth way to work with a honey jar is to very carefully heat it up in a pot of water.
Many people wonder what it means when the honey in their honey jar crystallises.
This is neither a good or a bad sign. It means the honey you used is some type of flower honey and that type crystallises after a while. It does not affect the power of your honey jar at all.
However, if you have a honey jar that you haven't worked with in a while and the honey crystallised, you can give it a new kick and turn the honey back to liquid at the same time by carefully warming it up inside a pot of water while praying over it for your target to warm up to you again.
Be very careful when you do this and heat it gently to make sure the jar doesn't break from the heat and no water enters your jar (try to keep the water level far under the height of the lid).
How often you work with your honey jar is up to you. Traditionally, one would work with a honey jar for love every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Personally, I always work with a new honey jar daily until I start to see its effects on my target. When I know it's began working, then I start working with it only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
If your honey jar is made with the goal to maintain something good instead of create it (to preserve the love and sweetness between you and your new husband/wife for example) then you can work with it once a week or once a month only, unless something comes up (eg. a fight) that requires its help.
I personally prefer to have actual physical proof that the magic I am doing is working.
However, this isn't always possible, and I understand that many people want to know which signs mean that a honey jar is working, so here are a few of them:
A candle that burns with a steady flame and leaves little to no residue is usually a very good sign when you're doing love magic (keep in mind the normal behavior of the candles you're using though outside of your magical workings. Some candles always leave a ton of residue, so if you don't know that in advance you're gonna worry for no good reason).
When a candle you light on top of your honey jar not only burns steadily and strongly without leaving any residue but also consumes any residue that previous candles have left, that usually signifies a breakthrough.
When you see positive love-related symbols in the wax residue (hearts, doves, wings etc).

Honey jars are slow-moving by nature (just think of how slowly honey flows).
However, once they gain momentum they are also good at keeping it.
As a general rule, a honey jar will take a least a couple of weeks and up to produce any results.
If you want to get results faster though, there are a few things you can do:
Spend a few minutes shaking the honey jar and asking it you wake up and help you achieve your goal. Do every time you work with it and before you burn your candle.
Work with it daily for the first two weeks or until you start seeing results.
Spend some extra time praying over your candle.
You can use any or all of the above methods to help your honey jar work faster.
When doing any type of magic it is important to know not just how to create something, but also how to respectfully and effectively dismantle it and dispose of it, if the need arises.
First of all, let's talk about why you would need to dispose of a honey jar in the first place.
If you aren't interested in the target anymore (they married someone else, you broke up, they moved away, you are with someone else now etc) it is a wise idea to dismantle the honey jar.
While honey jars aren't very coercive, they still have a constant effect on your target.
Many people I know have experienced a past lover showing some form of unusual attachment to them for no good reason, only to eventually realize they had made a honey jar for that person that they hadn't thought to dismantle after they had parted ways.
So how do you dismantle it?
One of the best ways is to thank the jar for all the work it has done for you and then open it and bury the contents, preferably at a crossroads.
I personally don't like burying things like glass jars (cause littering) so I open the jar, pour the contents into something biodegradable (like a paper towel for example) and bury that, and just wash and keep the jar instead.
So that's it folks! Now you know everything you need to create a honey jar, work with it and dispose of it properly if it ever comes to that!
Do you use any sweetening spells in your magical practice? What have your results been with them? Let me know in the comments!